MINIMAX at Bullet Space

Andi, Sam and I went up to NY two years back (October 2015 I think) to see some old friends.  While there we dropped by Bullet Space; our friend Amanda knew somebody in the show. I started to write a draft post about it here and, got distracted.  I suck at blogging.

I made a 2017 New Year's commitment to blog regularly here, so this morning started going through unfinished posts.  There's one about Citywide Philly that is worth finishing, so I'll come back to that sometime this spring.  Others I just dumped.  But I really liked this MiniMax show and felt it would be a shame to just delete it altogether.

So here's the draft from 2015.  It was a great show.  I literally (and unfortunately) have no words

If you were in this show let me know and I'll caption the images!

Manny stole my Sol LeWitt

Someone emailed me the other night, doing research on all of Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawings. Apparently LeWitt kept track of all of the "first drafters" of each of his pieces, and I did an install of one of his shows at Ace Gallery in 1997.

Anyway, brought back memories of schlepping down to Washington Street (I think?) on spring mornings, crappy coffee in a Celadon blue Greek printed paper cup, to work on a drawing that now I only vaguely remember as being "wavy and long".  I think it's this one (below). I had a crush on one of the gallerists too, which I think was pretty standard fare for single 20-somethings.

Sol used to give out prints of his work to the artists who worked on his drawings. His studio mailed mine to 57 Hope Street in Williamsburg where I lived, but I never received it. I always assumed Manny, the gun-toting, porn-wallpapered-basement-office superintendent of the building who used to scream at the Chinese factory workers across the street, and who we paid to get our mail, and who we had to bribe to run the elevator, threw it in the trash.

Oh well.