Citywide Essays posted online

Citywide Publication - Photo Credit Jaime Alvarez 2014 In early 2014, after about 2 dozen artist run spaces in Philly did a big citywide exhibition called (of course) “Citywide”, I was part of a half dozen artists/writers that wrote essays for inclusion in the event’s accompanying publication. The book came out in spring 2014.

The essays are now getting reposted online on Title Magazine, the first one is here, on the life spans of artist run spaces.

The book itself is available at Vox Populi or on Amazon:

Citywide: An Exhibition of Collectives

Drawing Now review by Jacob Feige at Title Magazine

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There’s a lengthy review of the current Drawing Now show written by Jacob Feige and published at Title Magazine.  Here’s the link.  It’s worth a close read.

In many of the best pieces, drawing becomes the conduit between the inner space of the mind and the vast exterior space of the natural and cosmological. Alexis Granwell and Colin Keefe both make thin, intuitive line the elemental unit of some unknown phenomenon, smoldering solar flare or dream architecture, but not quite either one. From a distance, these works appear to be little more than a light haze on a white ground, the great rewards left entirely for a close, sustained look.

Holy crap Tumblr

So the stat counter on my art website was doing the usual dull percolation that an artist who doesn’t show very much gets - which is to say not a whole lot -  and then yesterday likeafieldmouse on Tumblr posted images of Heliotrope on their feed. 1306 likes and reblogs, and a bunch of traffic back.  Tumblr is crazy.  Who are you awesome people?

Anyhow, glad you like the work.


logo I’ve been doing a little archeology on stuff from the 90s.  At some point around 2003 or so I lost the diskette or whatever where I had the 57hope website archived, and assumed it was gone for good.

Not so.’s Wayback Machine had a snapshot from around 1997!

I’ve been scrubbing the HTML of code, and a bunch of the image content never got archived...but here it is in all its broken, amateur 1997 splendor:

57 Hope Gallery

Images are pretty much hosed, but one show  - The Art Exchange Show in 1997 - is wholly intact (frames and all!).

57hope was a small space inside the warehouse on Hope Street just off Havemeyer in Williamsburg Brooklyn.  A bunch of my friends (Amy, Mary, Stephan, Cynthia, Shannon) and I ran it for about 3 years.  It’s about what you would expect from kids in their mid-20s - raw, uneven, haphazard, but with some gems.

We never curated our own shows.  The space’s MO was that we “curated curators”.  We gave early curatorial opportunities to people who would go on to run White Columns, Petzel, LA Contemporary Exhibitions, and it was just a hell of a lot of fun. The funny thing about the 90’s is that because it happened at the dawn of the internet, a lot of what transpired now feels like it happened in a different century.

Which I guess it did.

Our last show was October 2000, after which we were evicted.

It lived here: [codepeople-post-map]

Back then I paid $100 a month or so for my share of the loft.  Now you can pay $3050 a month for the privilege.  The first floor, where a rag trade company used to bundle castoff clothing for shipping to Mexico, now looks like this:


Manny, the super, used to yell at the guys who ran this place when he wasn’t yelling at the Chinese guys across the street, sitting in his “office” covered in porn pinups, or taking bribes to run the elevator.

I’m trying to imagine Manny in this lobby today and my brain is hurting.

In related archeology: you can find the archived website for Rome Arts, a gallery that Daniel Carello ran around the corner from us, on the original designer’s website, here:  Daniel gave me my first solo show, which got me my first (and only) review in the New York Times.

Grizzly Grizzly Opening

Thanks to Jacque for including me in this fantastic show, and to Mike, Cindy, Mary and the rest of the Grizzly team.  Fabio and Tom, you’re awesome. Permalink to Grizzly Grizzly exhibition page



Here are some installation shots, (copyright 2013 Jaime Alvarez), after the fold (which BTW are the best photos anyone’s taken of my work.  Hmm.):

urban2-58lowrez 0913_colin 0913_colindetail 0913_UrbanEnvironments_Keefe 0913_UrbanEnvironments_overview3 0913_UrbanEnvironments_FabioFernandezTomLauerman1

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I have a few things coming up in May - one of them’s a solo series exhibition at the Abington Art Center.  More on that, and some other venues, soon.

On another note, I set up a feed aggregator for the Philly sites I have in my bookmark bars - if you’re interested in learning a bit more about the Philly art scene, you can go here:

Or as a feed itself:


Best wishes for 2012!

2011: New site, new format

I’ve had about five different versions of this site going back to the late 90’s, and decided it was time for another refresh.  I’ve never been quite happy with the previous iterations, and for this go-round decided on a straight up blog. All in all, 2010 was a pretty good year for me - the best in terms of output since we moved to Philly.  Part of that was finally being settled, no major home/studio construction projects, the kid getting older, and a more reasonable gallery schedule for MACAS.

I’m looking forward to seeing what 2011 holds.