Citywide Essays posted online

Citywide Publication - Photo Credit Jaime Alvarez 2014 In early 2014, after about 2 dozen artist run spaces in Philly did a big citywide exhibition called (of course) “Citywide”, I was part of a half dozen artists/writers that wrote essays for inclusion in the event’s accompanying publication. The book came out in spring 2014.

The essays are now getting reposted online on Title Magazine, the first one is here, on the life spans of artist run spaces.

The book itself is available at Vox Populi or on Amazon:

Citywide: An Exhibition of Collectives




So I’ve been participating in CITYWIDE for most of this year, like a good 100-odd other Philadelphia artists.  If you’re in Philadelphia you’ve likely heard about it.  Andi and I curated North by Northwest for Marginal Utility, we hosted Practice: Picture Day at our own space, Mount Airy Contemporary, and I’ve been helping with the publication study group, the trolley tours, a Kickstarted private tour, and so on.  That sounds like a lot but the fact is pretty much everyone involved is putting in similar effort.

This is more or less a placeholder for some things I plan to say on the experience, which has been an ongoing thing for 10 months now,  I think.  I’m working on finding the right words.  For now I’ll just say I’m very proud to be a Philadelphia artist.